Students and teachers will compete against each other at an Odyssey Middle School pep rally on Wednesday, Oct. 25, at The Grail in Elsmere. The event will run from 9 to 11 a.m.
According to middle school teacher Melissa Daly, who is organizing the event, 6th graders will face off against 7th graders, while 8th graders will compete against teachers. The winners will then battle each other.
Competitions include musical chairs, relay races, floor hockey, human Hungry Hungry Hippos, and possibly a knock-out basketball event.
The dress code for the pep rally is pink shirts for 8th grade, white shirts for 7th grade, and black shirts for 6th grade.
“The purpose of the pep rally is for fun, happiness, excitement,” said student counselor Juliet Gunn-Yang, who is assisting Daly with the event.
Gunn-Yang posted a student poll in Schoology on Oct. 16 about events that students would like to see, and “Teacher vs. Student Game” was the most selected. Students could also write other events that they would like to see for the middle school.
The high school dance team and either the high school band or drum line will be performing at Wednesday’s pep rally.
Students will report to their homerooms as normal on Wednesday morning, followed by shortened periods 6 and 4, before departing for the pep rally on buses. After a regular period 5, lunch, and recess, students will end the day with shortened periods 2, 3, and 1.
Daly, Gunn-Yang, and student advisor Jocelyn Whitwell have been planning the pep rally for the last month.
“We’re excited to have our first pep rally of the year,” said Daly. “It will be great to have our entire middle school together for the first time.”